(no subject)

Jul 16, 2011 14:22

Saw the last Harry Potter last night. Thought it was very thrilling and quite well done. My least favorite part was the epilogue, but I don't like that in the book, either. And it's not like they could have done the movie without it. I'm sure there are many Potter fans who love it and would bemoan its absence.

Have been doing a Torchwood rewatch with dodger_sister as it's streaming on Netflix (thank you, BBC, for allowing Netflix to stream all/most of your shows. It's wonderful). I think it could be subtitled "How to Shag An Alien." Also, John Barrowman, bless his heart, is still the least subtle actor on the show. And contrary to fandom opinion I kind of love Gwen rather a lot.

Now, how about a little more meme-ing. You see, if I do this meme then I have to post on my LJ. And if I post on my LJ that means I'm more connected with the world and posting is writing, even if it's not writing writing, if that makes any sense.

2 - Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.

In alphabetical order:

Band of Brothers - 1
Batman (Nolanverse) - 1
Battlestar Galactica - 1
Bond - 1
Chronicles of Narnia - 2
Crossovers (BSG, Birds of Prey, Dark is Rising, Firefly, OC, SPN, X-Files) - 7
Harry Potter - 2
Lord of the Rings - 7
Smallville - 2
Supernatural - 16

I'm a 'never say never' kind of girl. Just because I'm not writing in a past fandom at the moment doesn't mean I'll never write in it again. I definitely have SPN stories that I still want to write and there are a few random ideas that are floating around that I may possibly one day sit down and commit to paper. For instance, I would love to write an origin story for Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) in Nolan's Bat'verse. And after seeing HP last night I still want to write the story of the Hufflepuff wandmaker.

It all depends and inspiration and will. And free time. And dedication. But no fandom is ever definitively off the table.

comments at http://liptonrm.dreamwidth.org/29518.html.

tv is my crack, memes, storytellers 'r us, movies are my anti-drug, hp

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