Hey! Guess what! There's an awesome cool story that people need to read!
A little background: Back in the day (known as October or November of last year)
dodger_sister and I were sitting around, watching a rerun of Entourage. At the end of the ep we both agreed that someone, somewhere NEEDED to write a CWRPF/Entourage crossover BECUASE IT WAS MEANT TO BE (after all, it's canon that Jessica Alba knows the boys on Entourage and we ALL KNOW who one of her former costars is).
AND THEN without my knowing it
dodger_sister wrote it AND GAVE IT TO ME FOR CHRISTMAS! And it is AMAZING and WONDERFUL and NEEDS TO BE AN ACTUAL EPISODE OF ENTOURAGE OMG!!!!! Seriously, she absolutely nails Drama and Turtle and Vinnie and E, which is not an easy thing to do.
It is the PERFECT story and you all need to go read it right now. If you love stories of boys being ridiculous and adorable and RIDICULOUS then you will love this story.
Drama Is Not Subjective by
dodger_sister. Read it, learn it, love it.
ILU BABY!!!! And Drama loves you, too!
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