(no subject)

Nov 17, 2010 17:10

I feel rather as if I have disconnected myself from the world. So here's a little bit of what I've been up to.

Still stupidly busy. Apparently I'm graduating in January and taking the Bar in February and, ummm, who knew that either of those things would be so much work? On the plus side, last week (or maybe the week before) my boss told me that I'm one of the best externs he's ever had (I'm tied with some guy who's now in New York) and he wants to give me contract work after the term is over. So yay for being impressive, or some shit. ;-) On the minus side I still have to both apply to and study for the Bar, and it's going to cost me upwards of $500 just to apply, that's not even including any Bar prep courses I might try to take (which usually cost around two grand). Money is so stupid and we hates it, precious.

My poor, old car is truly dead and gone and now I have a new one (financed with the Da's help). My new baby is a 2007 Ford Focus that's not quite as spacious as the recently deceased, but gets better gas mileage and should be more reliable. So yay new car!

I'm behind on most everything fannish and I have pokes and inspirations but no real drive to produce anything at the moment. Maybe I'll accomplish something over the US Thanksgiving holiday (I do have a Susan of Narnia story percolating that I really want to tell). I have been watching The Walking Dead, which is awesome. Zombies are a girl's best friend.

I have also, somehow, become a Sunday School teacher for the 12 and 13 year olds. Well, okay, part of it was being made to leave the young adult ward as I am too old and single (oh Mormons, always with the lulz). Truthfully, I like where I am now a whole lot more, and I kind of love teaching the tweens. They're scattershot and loud and surprisingly insightful. I have to say, the highlight of my first class was telling one of the kids to sit down because we weren't done yet and HE TOTALLY SAT DOWN. I fear that all of this power may go to my head.

The lowest point was when we got into a tangent conversation about evolution vs. creationism and I couldn't express why I am on Team Have It Both Ways. Later I realized that all I needed to say was "What, you think God can't do things however He wants to do them? Are you smarter than God, or something?" Here's hoping I get the random chance comes around again.

Ugh, am very tired. And just learned that they're coming to check my furnace on Friday and my apartment is the opposite of neat and orderly. Oh the humanity!

comments at http://liptonrm.dreamwidth.org/22616.html.

blather, mormons being, law skool ownz me

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