Mammoth Caves, Kentucky

Aug 21, 2010 20:09

I haven't done a full-on photo travel post for a while. So now that my external harddrive is working again, here are a few pictures from my nervous breakdown trip last April.

Aaaah, the ways in which I am a dork, let me tell you them. I think the favorite part of my entire trip was all of the random information the park ranger gave us during the cave tour. Like about the geologic creation of the caves (a shell of rock right under the soil and the rest of the caves were worn away by underground rivers), or how they were used to make gunpowder during the Revolutionary War (and tools and things are still there), or how local gentry used to use the Rotunda for balls in the middle of summer. It's also funny how vandalism done in the 18th and 19th centuries is now of historic value so that can't be erased but if anyone tries to vandalize them now ze could be in serious trouble.

There really wasn't anything in that part of Kentucky other than the national park, but I really didn't need anything else. If only all of my nervous breakdowns could be so much fun.

Kentucky in the Spring

The hotel isn't the swankiest, but the room was nearly as big as my old apartment. Though that might just mean that my apartment was tiny. But anyway, I was right by the forest which was a little foreboding come nightfall.

Down Into the Bowels of the Earth

My camera lens got really dusty down there, and I didn't even notice until I tried to take a picture a month later. It does make for kind of a neat effect, though.

I stopped taking pictures about halfway through the tour because there was just no way that I could capture what it was really like to walk through those caves. They were immense and old and just really frigging neat. Though I do wish that I'd gotten a picture of the waterfall and the staircase at the end of the trip. *sigh*

It was an excellent trip. Now I just have to go to all of the other national parks. That might take some doing.

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travelogue: kentucky, photos

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