So, that SPN season finale happened.
I don't even know what to say, not even now, perhaps never, who knows? I mean, I commented on someone else's post-ep reaction today and immediately afterwards I felt like I had to cry again. I don't think I've ever had such a strong emotional reaction to an episode of television, no, not even the first or second times Mulder died (and, believe you me, the second time was a doozy). Nope, even that summer after Riker said "Fire" and the screen cut to black and we all didn't know if Captain Picard would live or die or be de-borged, or what, didn't hit harder than what happened last Thursday on Supernatural.
Why do I do these things to myself?
I did love it, though. I knew right at the beginning, right when Chuck started voice overing about the Impala that we were in for a hell of a ride. And how much do I love all of Chuck's voice overs? I'm not a big fan of the voice over, but when it's done right it really enhances what we see on the screen. And the emotional hysteria started the second commercial break in when
hiyacynth suggested that the Impala was the character that was going to die, and we were all like "Holy shit, of course, that's what the vo's mean!" and then, well, you all know the then.
In the words of
baylorsr after the episode was done (and a half hour of hysterical sobbing had passed) "Why don't we watch the last half of Return of the King and then kill ourselves!" I had such a RotK feeling at the end of the finale, except Sam didn't go to the Grey Havens, Sam went to Hell, and Dean was left alone and had turned to a family that he only really knew as a dream to try to rebuild his life while his BROTHER WAS IN HELL!!!
And, let's not forget that Adam is in Hell, too. That poor kid whose only mistake was being born John Winchester's bastard son. Not that Sam or Dean ever did anything wrong, but damn, that poor kid.
One of these days, when I have the capacity, I really need to write up a huge post about how SPN is not a Christian show. Because it's not. Sure, it's "borrowed" some Catholic rituals and vestitures and it has a single God, but I have never once heard anyone proselityzing about the Son of God. The only time I've heard "Jesus" or "Christ" on Show is as an epithet. Angel lore is a whole lot older than Christianity, and it's the same with demons. I'd say SPN is a Jewish show more than anything else, but mostly I'd call it an American show.
Let me repeat IT'S NOT A CHRISTIAN SHOW. This is not a complaint or compliment, it's a statement of fact. And it's something that I wish more people would figure out. Let's just say people saying "Ugh, I've always hated the whole angel storyline. I hate how christian the show's gotten" is a huge pet peeve of mine, in the "I don't think that means what you think it means" kind of way.
But, like I said, that's a rant for another day.
Thursday night felt like an ending. I can almost believe that what we saw, up until the camera pulled back to show Sam under the burned out streetlight, was the way Show would've ended if a sixth season had never been ordered/agreed upon. And it breaks my heart.
I know what I would do for the sixth season and I hope that the showrunners do something similar. I hope we get a break in the angst, I hope we see Sam and Dean happy and together and working the family business. I hope Dean starts to have something outside of hunting (ie; they'd better not fridge the Braeden family) and I hope that Sam starts to heal after the constant demonic manipulation that has pursued him his entire life.
Also, I want to see more of their Special Angel Friend. And that Guy in a Trucker Hat. For the record.
I love that Sam and Dean saved the world by being good brothers, I love that the Impala saved the world by being their home, I love that Sam and Dean have grown as characters and as people, I love that Team Free Will chose freedom over peace because it may not be the easy path but it is the one that's worth the most. I love that Castiel is God's favorite angel because he's the one who best understands (and understood) that free will was the whole point. I love that Chuck is God (and was God) and that God thinks beginnings are easy but writing is hard. I love the meta-commentary on Chuck being God and how we don't control the things we create after they've been created and released.
I love it, but it hurts, and I'm sure you all understand why it hurts. I don't know if I'll ever be able to read any codas or hiatus-fic. I kind of want cracky AUs and crossovers right now. I just can't put myself in Dean's headspace right now. Mostly I guess I need space.
So, on that note, I think I need to go watch some Dark Angel. Come on, it has a penis monster, it is ridiculousness incarnate.
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