(no subject)

Jun 02, 2009 22:22

I keep on seeing those OTP lists all over the place and everytime I see one my brain goes 'OO OO you should totally do that!' And then I decide not to because I have OTPs and I have a few ships and I have other favorite relationships but it's all kind of all over the place and I know I'd just forget people I adore so it's best, for all considered, if I focus my ever-dwindling brain power on other things.

Like writing things! Actually, I would love to do that miscellaneous ficlets meme again because those turned out really well. So, hit me. Give me a character or pairing from a fandom you know I enjoy and I will try my darndest to write you a ficlet.

Anything you want! I'm yours to command. *crosses heart*

And since this is all done with the hope that my creative brain will be further inspired, here's a bit from the sequel to my Jo-Kat story that I'm working on. I have some excellent plans for it, if only I can get the ball rolling.

The bar door slammed shut behind Kat, its force pushing her another step forward. She blinked rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the smoky dimness after the bright sun of an Austin afternoon. The interior slowly came into focus, the same dinged-up tables and mismatched chairs as nearly every bar she’d trolled through in the past few days, the same Patsy Cline crooning from the jukebox. A man sat slouched over at the far end of the bar, his shoulders up around his ears and his hands wrapped around a bottle and the bartender haphazardly polished a glass, his dirty rag only making the smudges worse. Neither man looked up.

not paid by the word, spn

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