(no subject)

May 11, 2009 19:42

FYI, I saw Star Trek again on Saturday and I'm going to see it in IMAX tomorrow. And apparently I'm shipping Uhura/Spock like woah. Which is something considering how I haven't really shipped anyone since Mulder/Scully. *boggles* I guess it's true what they say, once a fangirl, always a fangirl. =D

And you know what else? Watching the movie has made me want to go back and watch a lot of old Trek. I really wish the dvd sets weren't so expensive or else I'd pop in some TNG or DS9 right now. I guess I'll just have to borrow some of the movies from the Da. mmmmmm Trek ...

Speaking of the Da, we actually went golfing today, to a real course and everything. I did okay-ish. I made a couple of really good hits and was hissed at by some geese. Plus Da shelled out for a golf cart. So, all in all, not a bad way to spend a Spring afternoon.

I guess I can be a lawyer now. ;-)

I've done a little reading in the past few weeks. Over the Richmond trip I read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I picked it up because it's the basis of the next movie that Peter, Fran, and Philippa are doing and am happy to report that it was an engaging read. I teared up more than once while reading it and while I might cry all the time at movies/tv books rarely make me cry so it definitely hit some poignant emotional notes. Last week I read Evernight by Claudia Gray. I bought it because the author has a fannish background and found it to be not a bad read. It's YA and is kind of a cross between Twilight and the Harry Potter books but with some nice cliche-bending twists and turns.

Now I just have to finish that comparative history of the French and Russian Revolutions that I've been working at forever. I don't read it during the school term (I get enough nonfiction from cases and textbooks, thank you very much) so it's particularly slow-going. But I shall perservere.

Ummmm, I swear I had a million random things to say and now I feel like I can't remember any of them. Oh well, I suppose I'll leave you with this tidbit of information: Chick-Fil-A is delicious and the Big Lug needs to stop taunting me everytime he goes there. It's just not fair.
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