(no subject)

Jan 22, 2009 16:45

You know, I was going to use this post to talk about how awesome things are and how I've been gobbling up pictures and articles from inaguration and the balls and the Obama Administration's first two days in office. I was going to talk about the closure of Gitmo and the return of law, order, and civility to our government and the introduction of transparency.

Instead, I get online and find out that there's a jackhole who feels like it's just the dandiest thing in the world to out a member of fandom to his/her/its RL family, friends, employers, etc. And suddenly all I can see is red.

There are a lot of crazy things about fandom and a lot of crazy people in it. We all know this. And the only way our little community is able to function is because there is one trust that underlines it all. We all trust that other people out there in the cyber wilds won't betray our online activities to people outside of the community. We depend on this anonymity. If someone has wronged you online the correct way to go about dealing with it is online. You don't move this to another sphere and you don't make it that kind of personal.

It is fandom's one law, the one rule that keeps our universe spinning.

Anyone who breaks that law deserves what is coming to him/her/it. And let me tell you, when your name gets out, and it will, it always does, there will be hell to pay. I don't even know any of the principals who were harmed by your actions and I'm still salivating to see your head on that cyber-pole.

There are many things one can say about fandom, we're a fractious, bitchy group with our share of problems. We allow and foster trends and fashions that would shock the rest of the world. We don't always get along and we rarely agree on anything. But we also protect our own and our right to freely participate without fear of RL reprisals or discovery. So, kiddo, you'd better run, because we will find you and the gloves are off. You reap what you sow.


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