(no subject)

Sep 18, 2008 06:55


I thought today would never get here! It is a day for awesome and squee because there will be new Winchesters in just a few short hours!

Somehow I've managed to stay nearly completely unspoiled. It was a ridiculously near thing, what with all of the spoilery tidbits people have been flashing around but I HELD OUT. *is proud of self*

Will be watching the premiere with the Baylors and then will be watching it again over the phone with hiyacynth. Did you guys know that Chicago is preempting the premiere for baseball? WTF Chicago?! Get your priorities straight! During the post-work, pre-premiere hours baylorsr and I will be out doing things away from the Baylor Sister because we know we're going to be crazy and we don't want to inflict it on the Sister. We're givers that way.

I don't even know why the NSA is even tapping my phone anymore. It's obvious that all I ever talk about is fannish stuff. But it could all be code and really we're plotting the downfall of Walmart and by extension the government that supports its evil. But, seriously, the poor NSA agent who has to cover all of the calls between hiyacynth and myself must be on the point of suicide or in love with us.

We are pretty adorable.

But not as adorable as NEW WINCHESTERS ON MY TV SCREEN! I'm a little excited, if you can't tell. Just about 12 more hours to go ...

spn, fangirls are love

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