(no subject)

Sep 04, 2008 11:55

I'm done with political commentary for the moment. I need a breather. My poor brain can only deal with so much crazy. I was going to leave you with my thoughts on Gov. Sarah Palin but I think I'll let Samantha Bee say it for me. Because Sarah Palin might be my gynecological twin but she's my ideological opposite.

I bought the SPN s.3 dvds on Tuesday (and I even got the mini!Impala *vroomvroom*) but I still haven't watched any of it. I'm having some kind of weird mental break, I don't even know. I hear all sorts of awesome things about the gag reel and yet can't quite put in the disc. I am so weird.

Plus, I'm a little bummed that there wasn't another commentary from Kripke, Gamble, and Singer. You'd think with all that time they had during the writer's strike they could've banged something together.

Am currently reading Anna Karenina and kind of enjoying it. I put it on the top of the list because the Big Lug read it and, ummm, kind of thought I already had so this is a semi-face saving measure. BUT it's a pretty engaging read and it's not really what I thought it would be. For me, reading classic literature isn't the same as reading other types of stories, I tend to read the classics for the insight I receive on culture and history which in turn helps elucidate modern events and even *gasp* pop culture.

Ahem, I was about to rant about my mother and how she doesn't seem to understand what "chronic illness" means but I'll save that for another day, or possibly never. It would only be going back over frustrations I've already shared, and we could all do with a little less frustration in our lives.

You know what? I'm going to go write some stuff. Figuratively shooting some shit sounds like an awesome idea right about now.

books are my sanity, feminism, political mumbo jumbo

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