(no subject)

Jun 13, 2008 11:34

You guys wanna know what I did on Wednesday? Of course you do. *bounces in seat* It was so cool!

Okay, see, I went on the Winchester Tour of Toronto. No, really, I did! I went to Winchester Square Park [ETA: I can't believe I typoed 'Wincester' at first *facepalms] and then I walked down Winchester Street to the Toronto Necropolis. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

Yes, yes, I know, I'm a big dork. But once I discovered all of those things on my map I couldn't resist, I just had to take the tour. And it was a lot of fun. I wrote fic in the park, and then I wrote some more fic in the cemetery, and I got to walk around all sorts of Toronto neighborhoods that otherwise I never would've gotten to see.

Surprisingly enough, Winchester St. runs right through a very nice, quiet neighborhood full of families and brick houses. But then you walk about three blocks to the south and you hit on some housing developments that seem a lot more like the kinds of places the Winchesters actually would have lived.

It was a truly awesome day. Until I lost my wallet, that is. See, on the way back to the residence I made the mistake of going down to the subway to try and purchase a metro pass (I hadn't bought one yet, so sue me). Anyway, there was some problem down on the tracks, someone had been injured, and the fare guy was all distracted and not selling passes, so I turned around. On my way back to the bus I stopped to get something to eat and between there and the bus stop my wallet vanished. I, of course, freaked out and ran back and forth looking for it like a chicken with my head cut off. I eventually decided that someone had either stolen it out of my bag or off the ground after I'd dropped it and I was never going to see it again.

Thankfully, and miraculously, it turns out that a very nice Toronto lawyer noticed it on the ground while she was on her way from the subway to the bus. She picked it up and spent the afternoon trying to find a way to contact me. She eventually got a hold of the Da, who got a hold of me, and I immediately went across town to pick it up. I guess Blanche DuBois was right, you really can depend on the kindness of strangers (at least, Canadian strangers).

And then there was much rejoicing.

Our first stop, Winchester Square Park. And, yes, that's a boarded-up church right there by the entrance. Kinda appropriate, no?

Then, of course, it was on to

and the

As you can imagine, there are a lot of old bones buried in that place. At least, if this sign is any indication.

But you know what was right across the street? A historical farm (I think it was called Riverdale, but I can't remember off the top of my head). Anyway, like the big kid I am, I got distracted by the animals for a little while.

I bonded with the donkey

and the horses

(of course, if by 'bonded' I mean they waited patiently for the apple I didn't have to give them)

And the lambs were very cute.

I finally made it over to the necropolis. It was pretty cool in the sunlight, but I bet it must get hella creepy after dark.

The masoleum cum chapel where I didn't see any little girl dolls with real hair, but you never know.

If this doesn't prove that squirrels truly are evil, I don't know what would.

Man, everywhere I go online there are ads about the New Kids on the Block reunion tour. OMG, my friends, the End is EXTREMELY FUCKING NIGH!.

But that's okay. We've all been expecting it for some time, anyway. =D

travelogue: toronto, photos

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