Fic: The Coming Storm

Mar 17, 2008 18:40

Title: The Coming Storm
Fandom: Supernatural/Birds of Prey crossover (Missouri Moseley and Barbara Gordon)
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. It’s all Eric Kripke’s and DC comics's and blah blah blah. We all know who the real braintrust is around here.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Set after SPN episode 2x22 (All Hell Breaks Loose, Pt. 2) and Birds of Prey issue #114.
Summary: She went to Missouri and learned the truth.
Author's Note: Written for the xovers_ftw SPN crossover challenge, prompt #6 (Missouri and Oracle from the Batverse). Mucho and beaucoup thanks to voleuse for making the request that allowed me to combine two of my most favorite current fandoms. Also thanks to Sean McKeever for coming up with a BoP storyline that made my task ridiculously easy.

( She had come a long way on the slim hope that this Missouri Moseley would have the answers she sought. )

bop, spn, my fic, crossover, spn:season two

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