Am posting from Panera. New laptops and free wifi ftw.
It's the second day of the New Year and, hence, the perfect time to talk about everything that went before.
The Good:
*Law School
The Not-So-Good:
*Law School
*The Real World In General
In Summation:
It's been a weird year. On the one hand, it's been fairly normal, not a lot of bad surprises in my personal or family life. The whole fibromyalgia thing is a great example of that. On the one hand, being sick and having to take off a semester sucked but on the other hand I finally have a name for what is wrong with me. Similarly in my fannish life there were the heights of the Chicago Con and the depths of the Writers' Strike. I'm not even sure how to classify 2007 but it's over now and the world continues to go round. All I know is that I have the greatest friends a girl could ever hope to have and no matter what 2008 has in store I know I'll get through it, because of them.
The Rundown:
1 Harry Potter:
All Stories End2 Supernatural:
Roadtrippin' With My Brother and
Round and Round3 crossovers: chase the stars across the sky (SPN/BSG),
Let Him Do What Seemeth Him Good (SPN/XF), and
On The Run Driving In The Sun (SPN/OC)
for a total of 6 stories in 5 fandoms.
My Favorite Story Of This Year (my own): This is a tough one, since I'm very fond of all of the stories I've written in the past year. Right at this very moment I'd have to say that it's 'On The Run Driving In The Sun' but that's liable to change at any given moment. I do still love the interactions between Sandy and the Winchester boys. There's a reason why Sandy Cohen is my hero.
My Best Story This Year: This is hard because I feel like I'm still in the process of writing my best story of the year. However, 'Let Him Do What Seemeth Him Good' has some of my most powerful writing of the year, in my opinion. It had atmosphere and angst, strong characterization and even a plot twist. It did a lot without dropping any unfortunate anvils.
Story Most Unappreciated By The Universe, in my opinion: This is definitely 'Let Him Do What Seemeth Him Good.' Don't get me wrong, it was noticed and loved and received some great, thoughtful comments but it's the one story that I think deserves even more. It's kind of my love song for everything I love most about both Supernatural and The X-Files told in somewhere around 1,000 words. Plus the ending is a real kick in the pants.
Most Fun Story: This is, absolutely, 'Roadtrippin' With My Brother.' There are serpent guts and a grenade and Sam's bitchface and the open road. It's full of brotherly banter and beaches, you can't get much better than that.
Sexiest Story: As most of you know, I highly doubt I will ever write porn. It's just not my milieu. But 'Roadtrippin' With My Brother' does have Sam stripping down and running into Lake Michigan and Dean laying on the beach, so I think it wins.
Story With the Single Sexiest Moment: See above, I fail at porn.
Hardest Story To Write:: I can't even remember. I'm currently tearing my hair out over a writing project that puts any problems I might have had with last year's work to shame, so my perceptions are kind of skewed. I'm going to say 'Round and Round' mostly because it's the story with which I'm least satisfied. It turned out well but it could have been better.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Unlike last year, there weren't any deeply therapeutic stories that spiralled out of control. I'll say 'Roadtrippin' With My Brother' because it says a lot about both how I feel about my own brothers and also my opinions on the nature of Sam&Dean's relationship. It's all very warm and fuzzy.
Most "OMG HEY *I* WROTE THAT! Fanon-Turned-Canon Moment: Well, Kripke did reach into my head and pull out CCR's 'Run Through The Jungle' and use it on the show even though I put it on my 'Highway to Hell' mix months ago. However, in the world of fic I am still absolutely of the opinion that everything I've written has actually happened to the Winchesters, crossovers included.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? I'm not even sure. I'll say that I've written less than I would like and leave it at that.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2007?. The O.C. I knew a year ago that it was a good show but I never predicted that it would attain fic status. All hail the Cohens.
Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them? I wrote a ton of crossovers. Wow. That's not surprising seeing as I a good crossover is one of my favorite kinds of fic, ever. There's something intoxicating about taking disparate characters and making them interact, especially if it's done in a way that allows the characters to remain themselves and their own universes. There is an art to crossovers and it's been fun playing with the confines and liberations of the form.
Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them? I've started seeking beta commentary on my work, which is something that used to scare the pants off of me. The idea of having someone else critique my writing before I let it loose in cyberspace was terrifying and now, after having seen the results, I can't imagine doing anything else. Getting over that neurosis and opening my head to other viewpoints has improved my writing a hundred fold. I can't wait to see what happens in the coming year.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? I have one story that I can't wait to finish and unleash on the fic world. It's wonderful and complex and a big step forward for me in terms of plot and length. And when that's done I have all sorts of other stories that I want to try. I think 2008 is going to be a good year.
Happy New Year, mes amis!