(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 12:32

One final down and 10 billionty one to go. That's not so bad. This time last year I was freaking out and working non-stop but this year I haven't even finished my Crim Pro outline yet. It's strange how things change.

One day I'm going to sit down and really hash out my ambivalent feelings regarding this whole law school thing. I don't hate it but I don't like it and, and, and. I'm sure it's all wrapped up in all sorts of psychological issues that are too pedantic for words.

I frequently have a funny little scene that goes through my head during finals.
Sam&Dean are investigating some sort of weird deaths at my law school and for some reason they stop by a "witnesses" apartment to ask her some questions. She opens the door and their eyes kind of widen cause she's muttering to herself and her hair's all crazy like she's been pulling at it. She's wearing sweat pants and slippers and a t-shirt that looks like she's had it since high school. The apartment behind her looks like a bomb went off, papers and pop cans and bags of chips, etc. all over the place.

The chick blinks and suddenly seems to register their existence. Dean's a little put off by that because chicks always notice him. "What?" she asks in a tone of voice that lets them know that she really doesn't have time to deal with them.

Sam whips out the sympathetic face and starts their story du jour. She nods along impatiently but Sam gets the feeling that she's not listening and he starts to sympathize with those people who go around knocking on doors trying to sell things or religion or whatever.

Dean's fed up and bursts out with the equivalent of, "Someone's dead and you can't give this two seconds of your attention?"

She grimaces and is all, "I'm really sorry, guys, but I have to memorize, like, ten million rules of civil procedure for tomorrow. I'm really sorry that so-and-so died but if I don't get all of this down I'm fucked." And she closes the door in their faces.

Sam and Dean share a look. Then Dean says, "And you wanted to go to law school. They're all fucking nuts." He walks away and Sam stands there for a second. Then he grimaces and hurries away like he might catch something.

Ahem. Yes. In other news, buffyaddict13 I got your holiday card and it was beeyootiful! Thank you sweetie! *glomps* You're awesome.

And I don't usually do this but I've had such a good time responding to other people I thought what the hay. I put my name up over at the anonymous love meme. Love is good, love is terrific, go forth and share it with everyone. =D

Kay, back to criminal procedure. Warrant requirements and automobile exceptions and right to counsel, oh my.

not paid by the word, spn, fangirls are love, holiday fever, law skool ownz me

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