(no subject)

Dec 01, 2007 10:48

Ahem. So, there comes a point when you've been up for nearly 30 hours straight and you're lying in bed trying to sleep. But, all you can do is lie there and think about all of the things you did wrong on your paper and the better arguments you could have made, etc., etc. Suddenly, you start comparing yourself to John Crichton. And not in the good, 'he's a smokin' hot hero' kind of way, no, in the bad, 'long-haired, crazy, living on a dying leviathan with only 1812 for company' kind of way. That's when you realize that you need to take a sleeping pill and end the madness.

This, my friends, is why I'm a fan. Otherwise I fear I'd be that crazy OCD person all of the time. And I'm not terribly fond of that person, she scares me.

I think she scares my parents, too. Because they've been calling me a lot wanting to know that I'm okay. It's funny now. It wasn't so funny a couple days ago. But, you know, this is how I'm like Sam Winchester: one second I seem like a nice, friendly person and the next I'm all tunnel-visioned and creepy. Or something. ;-)

Tonight it's off to Ann Arbor to see the UMS yearly production of Handel's Messiah. The Big Lug actually got us tickets to that. The fact that my little brothers can actually act like thoughtful adults at times should not be as shocking as it feels. They are kind of stuck at the ages of 11 and 8 in my head, sometimes. I know they've grown up, really I do. I swear.

Also have to clean ye olde apartment today cause the stupid bastards are coming around to "inspect" it again. I think I'm going to dig up my lease. If it doesn't say anything about letting them in for a second inspection then I may keep them out, purely on principle. I know my rights as a tenant and if there's nothing in my lease then this is my property and they can't come in. So there. Course, taking a stand like that requires more energy than I'll probably have. Oh well, I should clean my sty anyway.

So it appears that in my tunnel vision I've been missing some kind of wank, both lj and spn related? You know who I blame? The studios who caused the writers' strike. They'd better not cancel Christmas 'cause that would make me mad.

fandom, family, law skool ownz me

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