(no subject)

Nov 17, 2007 15:58

OMG. If this is what being a lawyer is like no wonder so many of them are booze hounds. I would never, ever stop drinking. Damn me and my teetotaling ways anyway.

If I haven't made it abundantly clear in the past I hate legal writing and want it to die. And I'm doing fairly well in the class. If I continue doing as well as I've been doing I'll be on my way to an invitation to working on the law review and that's a Big Deal, especially where my resume is concerned. And yet I still want it to die.

This seems like an apropos time to formally let people know what this lj, blog, what have you is for. This is my escape from my real life. I will occasionally bitch and moan about RL things (for example: see above) but generally I'm going to talk about not real things that make me happy. This does not mean that I live in a fantasy world, it means that I use this format as recreation and talking about law school or other concerns is not recreation, in my humble opinion. Anyone who thinks that all of my thought and focus goes into fannish activities has another thing coming.

Sorry about that. Had an experience this week that convinced me it would be prudent to include that disclaimer in my next post. Different people use blogs for different reasons and I don't want there to be any confusion on what this is for. I personally find my real life to be excessively boring and frustrating and would much rather talk about things that make me happy on creative and intellectual levels. I find fandom to be an extremely effective coping mechanism. Perhaps one day I'll have the chance to tell Kripke that I never would've made it through law school if not for his show. We've all gotta find our own ways to make it through the day. ;-)

Speaking of Supernatural, wasn't this week's episode awesome? dotfic's icon really does say it best, "Sera Gamble + Kim Manners = Opening Credits OTP." What I want to know is where is all of the Gordon Walker fic? And the vampire!Sam fic? I know that people have lots of different opinions about Gordon but he really is a great example of how every character is the hero of his own story. At one point in the episode I hoped that he would come to terms with his vampirism and make the choice to not be a monster because I am so fond of the energy both the character and Sterling K. Brown bring to the show. However, by the end I realized that his innate fanaticism wouldn't have allowed him to ever realize that he had a choice in the matter. If he couldn't believe that Lenore and her people could choose not to be monsters then after a year of spiraling even deeper into a fanatic's absolutism he certainly wouldn't have been able to comprehend that he had a choice in the matter.

Free will and choice. Boy do I love how those themes cycle around again and again in our show's storytelling.

I felt really bad for Harmony Lucy. Unfortunately I can't fault the boys for choosing to kill her. She was incapable of accepting that fact that she wasn't dreaming, that she really was a vampire and had killed people. It was tragic but prudent.

I'm sure you can all imagine the noises I made during the Sam&Dean scenes. The final scene with the car was too perfect for words. They're such boys and I love them for it. *sniffle*

See? Just typing up this post has made me feel a billionty times better. I've caught a second wind and can dive back into the depths and depravities of contract law once more. \o/

ep reactions, spn:season three, spn, fandom, law skool ownz me

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