(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 10:57

It goes without saying but it bears repeating, fangirls are love.

My Fourth was quiet, but nice. Had some grilled steak and potato salad over at the parents' and then went to the downtown fireworks. My hometown always puts on a nice little show. Before sundown they have the city concert band play and there are vendors out selling various foodstuffs (I bought a bratwurst b/c I had to buy a bratwurst. It was a thing). The whole thing not only made me schmoopily patriotic, well, okay, more like filled with love for my home simply because it's my home, but also glad to have been brought up in the kind of city that I was. It's still small enough to feel strangely intimate but big enough to have some variety and spice.

Yes, yes, I'm a big sappy girl.

Anyway, my hometown always puts on a good display. However, they moved it or something because this year my regular vantage point was less then ideal. Everything exploded right behind a big tree. That was less then ideal but I still grinned like an idiot at the gigantic, sparkly explosions so it was all good.

Big explosions and grilled meat. It's more American then apple pie. =D

I was less then enthused by the latest series finale. Some of it worked really well but there were story/character issues that left me a little cold. Plus, it felt like RTD built to this great, epic showdown thing and then everything kind of fizzled. I'll let you all make your own appropriate sex metaphors here. ;-)

Other people have talked much more eloquently then myself about the racism and sexism and writing issues and I will simply say that those were all present and accounted for and I expected better out of that writing staff. Instead of talking about any of that I want to focus on why the loss of Martha Jones is such a Big Deal for me.

I have a confession to make. I don't love the Doctor. I feel for him and he amuses me and I like him but I'm not in love with him. I don't even lust after him. I loved series one because Nine clicked with me right away. There was something compelling and inherently tempting about him. While I didn't relate to Rose very much (beyond the whole, 'stuck in my life want an adventure' aspect) I liked them together and was ridiculously fond of their dynamic (a fondness that only increased when Jack showed up).

The loss of Nine was big for me and it took me a while to warm up to Ten. I grew to like him very much, of course, and by the end of that series I cried like a maniac when everything at Canary Wharf turned out the way it did (to which hiyacynth can gleefully attest). I really wanted those crazy kids to make it, I still have enough of a romantic left in me that I had almost convinced myself that Rose and the Doctor would live happily ever after even though by the time I saw series two I knew something horrible happened to Rose at the end.

Tangent: I think my favorite thing about series two might just be the evolution of Mickey. I love Mickey and I love where the story took him over that series.

This whole thing takes a dramatic turn when Martha Jones was introduced. From the second she showed up on screen I identified with her like crazy. She was everything I'd ever wanted in a Companion, smart and capable and quick and able to deal with the Doctor on nearly his own level. The phrase, 'Martha Jones, you're my hero' has been repeated so many times during the past series that I'm sure my neighbours are well aware of my sentiments; confused, but aware. I started caring more about her story then I did the Doctor's, and that's where the problems arise because the show is called Doctor Who for a reason. If it were called Doctor Jones things would've been completely different. ;-)

I understand the Doctor-arc logic of this all, I do. Rose was a big deal to him and they needed to introduce a rebound Companion, for lack of a better term. She needed to be someone awesome enough in her own right to make her measure up to the memory but she couldn't be Rose Tyler Mark II. However, her use as a plot device also meant that they didn't develop her as fully as they should have. Everything about her was used as a mirror either of the Doctor or of Rose and all of her spoken motivations were based on her feelings for the Doctor. She didn't get a character arc of her own and she deserved one because Martha Jones is made of awesome.

I can only hope that the future spoilers that I've read will allow further exploration of Martha as Martha and not Martha as Plot Device. And hopefully having one Companion who I love like burning will let me deal with one who I don't love nearly as much.

And now I kinda want to write the story where Martha meets Jo Harvelle because I think they'd have things to talk about. Plus, I'd never be able to write the one where Martha has sex with Dean and/or Sam so I'll just have to rely on fandom to take care of that for me.

In summation: Martha Jones, you're my hero.

It's very, very pretty outside today. Maybe I should go enjoy it. Or maybe I should read more fanfiction. That reminds me, anyone who's looking for good Who fic should check out dwseason4. It goes AU from the series 3 finale and is hands down terrific. Very highly recommended.

OK, that's it, I guess fic wins. I will see the sun again, I promise.

ETA: Two last things, I promise. First, apparently Raelle Tucker has left SPN to join Alan Ball's new HBO show starring Anna Paquin and based on the psychic detective novels written by Charlaine Harris. On one hand, this is a great move for Raelle. On the other hand I can't help but feel like she's betraying us which is crazy, tv writers move around all of the time. On the plus side Sera Gamble's staying and is becoming a co-exec producer. Bye Raelle, we'll miss you! You're gonna kick ass over on HBO!

Second, watched some of that new USA show Burn Notice which co-stars Bruce Campbell. It's fun but the biggest thing I noticed is that one of the supervising producers is Mere Smith, better known to fandom as the fanfiction author who got a job working for Joss over on Angel. It made me ridiculously happy to see her name pop up on another tv show. Good for you, Mere!

fic recs, entertainment crack, my other tardis is a car, fannish intellectual servitude

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