(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 15:58

So, for the interested, went in to the Registrar's today and withdrew from my current term. I decided it was the most prudent course of action. Also set up an appt with my GP (whose on vacation till the beginning of July, sheesh;-) and am scoping out local rheumatologists to see who can get me in the fastest. I hope to have some stuff figured out by the time the next term begins.

Until then, Smeagol is free! I'm going to take time to rest up and recuperate. My apartment is in serious need of an intervention of the cleanliness kind. And I might even get to do some writing. Yay! Actually, while I lay awake last night I spent time thinking about original fic, of all things, so we'll see if that goes anywhere. Plot is hard, yo. =D

[Addendum: Last night I called hiyacynth to let her know of my plan because I had to verbalize it. After we spent a couple minutes discussing the rationales and prudency and responsibility she was all, "This might sound horrible, but does this mean you'll have more time to write?" My reply was, "That was so the third thing I thought of after I made the decision!" Fangirls, thinking the same since forever and a day.]

One of the ringtones on my new phone is 'Carry On My Wayward Son'. Sometimes, I play it even when no one is actually calling me.

Speaking of, when I was in the comic store picking up Buffy and SPN: Origins baylorsr coincidentally called whose ringtone it is. I told her where I was and she started making high-pitched squealing noises about how I was getting her the John Winchester comic and then I started making high-pitched squealing noises and if the guy behind the counter didn't already know I was a fangirl he certainly figured it out then. She then demanded that I bring it right up to her office, a command with which I happily complied.

While I was there I also picked up some 'Birds of Prey' trades. People, I'm becoming an honest to goodness comic book fan. Curse them and their crack-dealing ways.

The Da bought me a tomato plant for my patio yesterday. Today I went out and bought a banana pepper and a pretty flowering sage. My place looks more and more like a hobbit hole every day. I really need to take pictures.

rabid chihuahua bite, fangirls are love, pictures telling stories, law skool ownz me

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