(no subject)

May 29, 2007 17:13

Talk about the crackiest weekend ever. Dark Angel is like the craziest show ever. I just ... words won't ever encompass the entirety of the crack that is that show. There was a walking ejaculating penis, you guys. And gladiator dreams.

But, man, can that Jensen Ackles guy act. And he's awfully pretty too.

I'm so bummed that there seems to be a serious lack of good Dark Angel crack fic. I want to read the story where Jam Pony is really a brothel (it so totally was) or where everyone is having sex with everyone else. Come on, we all know that fandom is really for porn and crack, just like the internets. =D

So, yeah, the Baylor Sister totally wins at birthday presents. And here I was dubious about whether her sister would like it. When will I learn to stop thinking so much? It never helps.

Except, it totally helps in law school. People, I am so excited, I got my first law school A. Actually, an A, two A minuses and a B. I'm kinda on an academic high at the moment.

La la la. Can't focus. Off to read fic.

my boys/girls, krazehness

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