(no subject)

Apr 28, 2007 18:24

How is it that I still don't have any Ten icons? Weak, man, seriously.

Doctor Who is downloading at this very minute, which is always exciting. The weather is very pretty today. Went to the mall and bought some books and some clothes and had a nice lunch and an ice cream cone. As I was walking out of the ice cream parlor it started raining so I had to scurry under an overhang and wait for the spat to pass and I dripped ice cream on myself. It was fun.

I can't believe it but I actually went to Target and bought the $23 Supernatural season one set because suddenly I have to have one that I can loan out to people. Apparently the world will be converted to my TV show. Really, people, when did I get so crazy?

On Friday nights we at FGC are usually able to get through at least two episodes of The X-Files but last night it was not to be. We talked about Thursday's Supernatural, a lot and then we watched The Daily Show and made cookies but we had to pause frequently so that rants could be heard about the state of the world and a fairly indepth discussion about starship captains. We finally finished that only to get sidetracked again about Supernatural but we were eventually able to turn on Hustle which we had all missed on Wednesday and we were nearly to the end when the Baylors cousins stopped by. That whole bit took another hour, or so. Suffice it to say we never did get to watch any X-Files but we did get to watch 'Folsom Prison Blues' again.

The common theme of the evening was to bemoan the lack of transporters because we missed our hiyacynth. Stupid Real World and it's stupidity.

I have three stories to work on and two mixes to post. I should really get cracking.

fangirls are love

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