Ron Moore and Co. are really smoking the good crack over on Battlestar Galactica, aren't they? I'm sure they have some plan, probably, and either way, it made for an intensely enthralling hour of television and that's really all that I crave from that quarter these days.
And Saul Tigh is totally my hero. Finding out you're a Cylon, the thing you hate more then anything else ever, and then just saying, "Fuck this shit, I am who I say I am" and getting back to work? That is awesome in the extreme. Is it any wonder he's my favorite character? Actually, I was pretty fond of every character last night and, dammit, Lee had a point. I still hate Baltar but they were right to acquit him. Dammit.
Here are some more Buffy s.2 re-watch reactions for you.
What's My Line, Part One - Written by Howard Gordon and Marti Noxon, directed by David Solomon
Hello Marti Noxon's first episode. For some reason I hadn't realized that your unholy reign began so early. And you're paired with an X-Files alum. That's fascinating.
Both Giles and Angel come off as strangely overprotective here. No, wait, that's not right, I can see them being freaked out over the whole Order of Taraka thing but the way Buffy takes it is kind of strange, or, I don't know, that whole thing pings me in a very, 'we have to protect the poor girl' sort of way and I guess I'm just annoyed that Buffy didn't slap them down hard over the whole issue. She's the slayer, hello.
And the way they set up Kendra is just bizarre. I know they want us to think she's evil and out to kill Buffy and that's good, that's fine, I'm always a fan of the bait and switch, but in retrospect the story logic is kinda weird. It's annoying, like a bug bite.
Speaking of, bug man will never stop being gross.
I love how they conveniently get rid of Joyce for the episode. Sometimes you just gotta ship characters off to Europe or wherever for a couple weeks. ;-)
It may feel a little extraneous, but I like the whole Buffy ice skating bit. It gives us a little more with Buffy being Buffy and not solely Buffy the Slayer. Helps us remember that at heart she's still a sixteen year old girl.
Yay! The introduction of Willy! You can never go wrong with the tried and true weasely bartender.
Oz got shot! I love Oz and all of his slacker, heroic ways.
What's My Line, Part Two - Written by Marti Noxon, Directed by David Semel
Oops, Oz totally got shot in this part. Sorry. He's still very cool and this is the one with the monkey pants! I love that bit. He and Willow are very adorable.
Xander and Cordelia hook up, baby! I love Cordelia when she's killing the bug man, she really, really wanted that guy dead and I totally don't blame her, he was gross.
I like Kendra. They're setting up a lot of little things that they're going to explore with much more depth with Faith. Kendra and Faith really are studies in extremes, a study which is fascinating in what it says about Buffy's own strengths and why she is the slayer she is.
And we end with Drusilla being healed and Spike being injured. Always, always, always double check and make sure your opponent is dead. We all know how this is going to come back and bite them all in the ass in a big way.
Ted - Written by David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon, Directed by Bruce Seth Green
This is the creepiest episode yet and it's creepy because of its seeming mundanity. It could really happen that your mother's boyfriend turns out to be some weird, controlling douche and no one is willing to believe you because they think you're jealous. Gah.
And dark like wo. Buffy killed somebody. Yeah, it turned out he was the mandroid but when she attacked him she had no reason to believe that he wasn't completely human. That's disturbing on all sorts of levels. And I like how they built up to it, how early in the episode we saw Buffy wailing on some vampires to release tension and then later we saw her do something similar to Ted.
I'll have to remember to come back to this in season 3 and compare Giles' reaction here to Wesley's reaction to Faith. *makes note*
I wish the direction in this episode was better. The writing in and of itself was creepy but they could've done so much more with tone and atmosphere (I would play up the mundanity of it but skewed). This is an example of how a great behind team behind the camera can take your show to a whole new level, or not.
And the end! With Giles and Jenny kissing in the library. I love the silly looks on Xander and Cordelia's faces. It's just adorable.
Bad Eggs - Written by Marti Noxon, Directed by David Greenwalt
Look! It's The Faculty crossed over with that bad season 1 episode of ST: TNG! Hee. You know, fandom always said this episode was awful and I never completely agreed because I had good memories of it, for some reason.
I mean, it's not that the episode is irredeemably horrible and I love the cheese, you know I do, it's just kinda unfocused writing wise.
And Joyce is horrible. I really didn't like her here. I mean, I know from her PoV Buffy is being completely irresponsible but knowing the truth and knowing how responsible Buffy really is made me kind of want to punch Joyce in the face.
The Gorches made me think of Sam and Dean because they're cowboys from Texas but if Sam and Dean were turned into vampires they would be about a million times smarter and more effective. Now I kind of want to read that crossover fic cause it could be cool and creepy.
But I really love Xander par-boiling his egg and then almost eating it. And I always enjoy seeing Buffy and Xander be smart and work together. So, yeah, there's enough good here to justify my fond rememberance. ;-)
Oh, and a fun fact that I just discovered. You know how That 70's Show had a bunch of BtVS alums on over the years? I recently realized that that's because Rob Des Hotel and Dean Batali were executive producers on both shows. It's an interesting observation in an observationally interesting kind of way.
It is abso-freakin-lutely gorgeous outside today. I got to wear sandals while walking the dog and get started on those very necessary summer sandal calluses. It's so warm that I have all of the windows open and I'm wearing shorts and complaining about how long and heavy my hair is. It's great!