(no subject)

Mar 17, 2007 19:41

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

And I am neither wearing green nor drinking. My Irish ancestors are ... well, they probably don't really care one way or another. And the Red Wings shirt was on the top of the stack in the drawer. Can't go out of order, after all.

Bought new tennis shoes. They are cute. I will now be able to allow my old, beat up, treadless shoes the honorable retirement they so richly deserve.

Fandom, did you know that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was on a season three episode of Angel and that he tricked Angel into killing some vampires that he'd been hunting for a long time, ever since they killed a buddy of his. And then he and Angel ended up trapped in a warehouse and had to fight even more vampires together? You guys, it made us all laugh so hard when we saw it. The crack just writes itself.

And then we watched that X-Files episode with the haunted nursing home. At the end of the episode the ghosts just kind of magically disappear for no real reason and it was determined that, obviously, John Winchester had to come by afterwards and finish cleaning up the mess that was left behind. It wasn't Mulder and Scully's fault that they didn't know how to properly put the spirits to rest with a good salt and burn, but the job's gotta get down, irregardless.

Speaking of, very much enjoyed Supernatural on Thursday. It was a solid MotW that played with PoV in a fun way and had great acting across the board. Am really looking forward to next week's episode because ... If you haven't read any of the Sera Gamble interviews then you shouldn't read this because I'm going to make reference to what she said. So, we're pretty sure that 'Heat' is going to be the one where Sam has sex and now it's obvious that he'll have sex with the werewolf chick. Not only will it be hot (because we all know that it will be) but it will also be used to good effect on the angst side of the equation what with her having a monster hidden inside of her and Sam sure he has a monster inside of him. The angst will, of course, only make the sex hotter because they'll have issues to work out and, yes.

Plus, it's funny that Sam is having sex with one of Lex Luthor's wives. Oh Vancouver, never change.

The crockpot meal I made this week was less then enjoyable. Robin Miller recipes are two for two in the 'tastes bad' column. Looks like I'll be steering clear of her stuff from now on. ETA: Yeah, I think it just made my dog vomit. Word to the wise, go out and buy an actual slowcooker cookbook, don't trust whatever recipes you might find at foodnetwork.com.

I feel so creatively tapped out. I keep on trying to plot out stories and ideas in my head and they peter out before I get very far. Bleh. Stupid law school.

ep reactions, spn, the vortex is swallowing me whole, luck o' the irish, x-files, spn:season two

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