(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 10:11

Last night ended up seeing PotC:DMC with the Da, my second viewing, his first. It did interfere with laundry night which was upsetting (the schedule is everything, the schedule is all) and we got back rather late *yawns* but it was fun to see it again. The Da got a big kick out of the water wheel sword-fight and I came to the alarming conclusion that I, somehow, do not lust after Johnny Depp. I appreciate his talent and all of that but physically he doesn't do much for me. Apparently I'm all about Norrington which is ... you know, I'm not sure what that is except that it is. Huh.

Anyhoo, fun movie and philistines (like the Big Lug) who can't appreciate a good fun movie for what it is need to stop being such spoilsports. *sticks out tongue in little brother's general direction*

Was looking over some of my old stories yesterday. It was interesting to see an upward quality progression from earlier to later and gives me hope that I will only continue to improve. Great strides were made when I overcame the editing hurdle and was able to go back to a story and give it another go over. I was so neurotic at first, I had to get it written and get it out there or else I'd never post it. I also noticed that the stories that are the hardest for me to write are also among the best I've ever written. Huh.

The Baylor Sister called last night and went on and on about Sam & Dean and it was very surreal because she's never seen an episode of the show. OMG, I've created a monster! It would be really funny if the NSC were tapping my phone because they would hear the most bizarre conversations and the poor agent would be so confused. Speaking of Winchesters, why has no one written the 'Sam and Dean as pirates' story yet? Come on, it's just begging to be written.

Yum, pistachios.

pirates life, spn, movies are my anti-drug, authorial intentions

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