(no subject)

May 25, 2006 08:25

I made out like a bandit last night at FGC. I got BSG s.1 and a Batman alarm clock and Legos and a couple action figures and more mixes then you can shake a stick at, the best one being the one personalized especially for me. I have the bestest girlfriends evar.

Did I mention there was cake, too? Because there was, with Care Bears on it. Score.

Also, if you all would be so kind as to send good karma and vibes and wishes and what have you to baylorsr because her job sucks and if she hasn't killed anyone in a fit of rage by the time the summer is over it'll be a miracle (and proof that she's a better person then me, OMG people are obnoxious).

But I haven't even mentioned the present that nearly gave me a heart attack. A certain Extremely Talented Sister wrote me a West Wing/Harry Potter xover and it was the GREATEST THING EVER! She's going to post it somewhere and when she does I'm putting up a link because everyone must bask in its awesomeness!

That reminds me, I've put up a fic journal. I got tired of having my stories spread out in weird places so now they're all archived over at liptonrm_fic. So that's where they'll be, for future reference. Plus, bonus, I don't have to rely solely on ff.net for all of my archiving needs. *big sigh of relief*

Oh, and I watched the Lost finale last night, too. So, here's the thing about Lost>, I enjoy the heck out of it but the focus has shifted from character to plot so while I'm watching any given episode I'm freaking out because the ride is intense but once the episode is done there's not a whole lot to keep me occupied. I've seen people espousing the opinion that this season's finale was more satisfying then the last because it balanced questions and answers better and, well, yeah, i guess, but I didn't get into this show because of the possibility of answers to the Island's weirdness. In the beginning I really enjoyed the way that the character interactions formed the basis for conflict and in the second season the conflict has come, primarily, from outside forces. For all of the answers we've received I think character development has dropped off and my enjoyment of the show has suffered.

Now, with that all said, I thought the episode last night was a fantastic ride. Apparently, by the end of the episode my WTF! face was especially vivid. Lots and lots of exciting stuff happened. Harold Perrineau rocked the casbah. I hate to think that Michael will really be gone for good.

Jorge Garcia also rocked the casbah. Hurley is such a good guy. He hates Michael for killing Libby and yet, there at the end, there was a look on his face that seemed to say that he got it, he understood why Michael did it and, yeah, wow, I love Hurley.

Terry O'Quinn was phenomenal, as usual. I don't think his character arc has been as coherent as it could've been but Terry has sold it completely at ever turn. The look on his face when he told Mr. Eko that he'd been wrong? Wow, just wow.

There were great moments last night. Desmond turned out to be a great character, the kind of catalyst the show needed. They finally did the reverse POV in a good way when they showed the Desmond-Locke connection. Was anyone else bummed that Clancy Brown was killed off? I'm sure he'll show up in flashbacks again, but, damn, I didn't want him dead.

My comments are all extremely incoherent. Sorry. =D I'll end by saying that I can't believe that Locke, Eko, and Desmond are all dead. It's stupid to kill of your most interesting and knowledgeable characters. Desmond might very well be dead and Locke or Eko but I can't believe that all three of them bit the big one. The writers aren't stupid enough to do something like that. And I love Charlie.

Scott McFarlane is coming out with Lost action figures. The first series will include Locke, Charlie, and Hurley (along with Jack, Kate, and Shannon, I believe) and later series will include the rest of the major castaways. Wicked sweet. I have to admit, ABC is doing a great job at promoting this show to the genre audience, what with the Hanso Foundation commercials that air during episodes and the Bad Twin novel that I saw at Target and, apparently, Hanso Foundation ads running in regular papers as if it actually existed. They've got a genius PR Department.

Wow, my head hurts. Stupid weather. I have a feeling there's not enough excedrin in the world to get me through the next two days. *grumble*

the weather generally hates me, desert island shenanigans, fangirls are love, authorial intentions

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