(no subject)

May 11, 2006 08:35

All I have to say about Lost is my poor, poor Hurley. I teared up when Libby died and he was so broken and it was all so sad. You come over to our camp, honey, and we'll take care of everything and baby you for a while. It won't be all okay but it will get better, I promise.

Plus, I'm a little bummed that now we may never find out about Libby's story. Suck.

I was happy to see the return of the Creepy Ass Island Shit. That was all very good. It's good to know that the whole Dharma Initiative was conducting a big psychological experiment (I'm sure I'm not the only person who, upon seeing the button, thought of that experiment where people thought they were teaching grammer through electrical shock and would eventually 'turn the voltage' up so high that they thought they were killing the 'subjects') but I not only think that the Pearl station was also a part of the experiment but that there was a larger overarching purpose that has not yet been intimated.

I'm still tempted to lock everybody up so that no one can push that damn button, just to see what happens.

They did a really good job in impelementing Eko's flashback into the episode. Felt much more organic then the flashbacks have been feeling for much of the season.

The writers need to get off the happiness = death track. No more building us down only to crush us into tiny pieces, plzkthx. I didn't approve of that with Joss Whedon and I will get most tetchy if this trend continues.

I downloaded the Supernatural finale on Tuesday and all I can say is, holy crap, when did this show get so good? Sure, I always knew it had potential but suddenly in the last two episodes it went BAM! and decided that writing was as important as the hot and the creepy and by the end of the finale I was a gibbering mass of goo. I love it so much that I am strongly flirting with the idea of buying the dvds when they come out (for me, that's a lot of love). I need to see about putting together a "Why You Should be Watching Supernatural Without Shame' post.

Gorramit, the HR person just emailed me to say that my check won't be direct deposited. This is a big deal. If she needed an f'ing form filled out she should've told me two weeks ago when she sent me that email asking if I wanted it. grrr frustrations galore

desert island shenanigans, spn, work

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