(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 13:57

Wanna know something funny? The computer at work has a slower internet connection then my computer at home. I have never had that experience before. It's kind of annoying, it goes in fits and spurts and I shouldn't complain too much because it's not so long ago that I was dealing with all dial-up all the time but still, I have to bitch about something.

You know, besides the fact that the girl who took my job managed to throw things away that I still want or talked to someone at a local bank and then have that person show up today thinking that the company was interested in their services or have my boss get all snitty with me because he's stressed and dude, I'm doing you a favor here so less with the attitude, more with the 'if you can't say anything in a nice tone don't say anything at all.'

All in all it's not so bad. One can even acclimate oneself to the mind-numbing boredom, after a while. It's also kind of neat that the mailman is so happy to see me back and the woman at the bread shop wondered where I'd been. Wow, I must've eaten a lot of sandwiches. ;-)

Did you know that you can purchase Harry Potter textbooks like Quidditch Through the Ages? Seriously, go to Amazon and do a little search and there they are. That's kinda cool. Ever since Star Wars everyone and their uncle has been hopping on the merchandise train, a trend that has only benefitted us fans. Well, us and the manufacturers and movie companies and franchise creators and people like that. You know what would be cool? If someone started making personalized wands for kids. I know I would've gotten a big kick out of that when I was a sprog. Heck, who am I kidding, I'd still get a big kick out of that.

Bought some new shoes last night (what, Kohl's was having a huge sale and I am weak). They're cute if a little more pointy in the toe then I usually go for. It's funny, when I was an adolescent I wouldn't be caught dead in heels, I thought they were a tool fo the devil, but now that I'm a little older they're all I want to wear. Maybe it's the couple extra inches, or the cool noise they make when I walk, either way it's all doubleplusgood.

Wow, 3 more hours. Yippee.

ETA: Apparently a new tradition of work candy was established while I was away making it so that when I returned there was a huge bag of Laffy Taffy in the bottom desk drawer. I could sit here and eat it all day long. This is very, very bad but also very, very tasty. Though, it does make answering the phone difficult, at times.

blather, food glorious food, work

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