(no subject)

Feb 02, 2006 19:54

So. There's been some not-so-ordered chaos going on lately. It's a bit of a story, so I'll cut it.

During the New Year's Fangirl Extravaganza baylorsr brought up the intriguing idea of me moving in with her sister and her. It would be universally beneficial and we'd be that much closer to living the Fandom Commune dream. I thought it was a great idea so when a week or so later she told me about the nitty gritty details I was more then happy to give a big ol' yea and let her begin the beuracratic process with the rental agency.

Then I made the mistake of mentioning my plans to the Mum. Suffice it to say she went apeshit, thinking that I was going to ruin my life and not study for law school in the fall and blah blah blah etc etc. Plus, you know, I'm going to turn into a big ol' heathen if I don't have a mormon roommate, conveniently forgetting that save for the mission and my family I've never lived with mormons and haven't apostasized yet. *sigh*

Well, I stopped talking about it and let the Mum think what she would think while still making plans to move. Then, on Tuesday I had dinner with the Da. We went out and talked about my plans and how to deal with the Mum. The Da's a good guy, actually thinks a 26 year-old is old enough to make her own decisions. That talk pepped me up enough to go home and bring it all up with the Mum, who, the day before had started being exceptionally snitty around me. The whole discussion blew up in my face and ended with her kicking me out of the house for the night. See, I thought stuff like that only happened in crazy teen dramas on the WB but I guess I was wrong.

baylorsr to the rescue, once again. She drove back up, picked me up and took me down to FGC for the night. Course, had to go home the next morning for clothes and stuff and as the tension did not abate took Our Dear Baylor up on her offer to come stay for a couple of days. Of course, I didn't know how to actually tell the Mum this nor did I want to have another 'discussion' that would end in us saying things that we didn't mean to say, so I left a note and snuck out to the bus stop, not the most adult thing I've ever done but sometimes when dealing with one's mother you turn into a 10 year-old again and need to run away from home.

Oh, and when I finally called the Mum back (cause she was starting to spam the FGC answering machine) I found out that my Great-uncle Bob had passed away. Son of a bitch. It's not that I wasn't prepared because he was old and when I saw him at his wife, Aunt Beulah's funeral he seemed so very frail but still, I loved him. He is one of the best people I have ever known.

At least the Mum and I have tentatively made peace, though I'm still staying at FGC for a couple days to let everything simmer down. Moral of this story? Fangirls make everything better.

In other news, hiyacynth, I've decided that you can have Tyrol as your very own BSG husband because I'm going to marry Billy. He's a little on the young side but absolutely adorable. Still much love for the Chief, of course, but my heart's been stolen out from under me.

Also, have finally caught some Hustle and it is one of the most wonderful shows ever. I love it muchly.

imaginary boyfriends, tv is my crack, sorrow, oh the drama, fangirls are love

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