(no subject)

Dec 22, 2005 15:39

Last night had a marvelous time of gift exchanging at FGC. I got toys and a dvd and comic books and with each gift that I opened my voice got higher and higher and shriller and shriller. It was great. =D I'll have to post a picture of my brand new Fellowship figures cause they're so wonderful!!!!!!!

I love toys.

I had this wonderful dream last night where Wash came back to life because he said that the Powers That Be were fixing a mistake, or something. It was wonderful and heart soothing, you know? I've heard that Joss has said that there will be no more Firefly movies so now my dream will never be jossed. It was a good kind of catharsis for my injured not-so-inner fan.

One of these days I'll get around to writing up why I don't love Serenity as much as I should and how Wash's death has something to do with that but not everything. Alas, today is not that day.

It's fascinating how the works of C.S. Lewis cause so many different kinds of reactions in people. Lately I've been seeing a lot of discussion on Susan and everything that happens to her in Narnia books. So many people have an opinion of what Lewis was trying to say there that is so completely different from my own interpretation that I've had to resort to writing fic. Because Lewis never said anything about eternal damnation.

And, you know, for all the grief that us BOFQ's give Mary Sues they can be awfully useful at times. *is cryptic*

Oops, must toddle off to flip my laundry. *whistles*

narnia, firefly, fangirls are love, action figures, holiday fever

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