Chunky Cinnamon Apple Crumble Topped with Creamy Vanilla Scoop
Lauren made it! she spent approx an hour or so in the kitchen to whip up this very addictive dessert!
Lauren headed straight to the supermart to do her last minute groceries shopping before she drove us to her place! we spend much time chit chatting, playing silly games, munching on cheesy tortillas chips while watching SUPERBOWL live!
Just tortilla chips! where's everyone?
Let's checkout her room!
an uber-cute Texan Doggie
come on! i believe there r more apples in there!
Sprinkle cinnamon powder over all your apples! Mix/Stir to perfection? ...and spread them over a greased baking dish
cinnamon apples.. nicely done!
Pour pre-purchased moist cake mixture over apples
some just can't wait to try the pre-baked cake mixture! greedy gals *Oppsss*
Fatilicious Thinly Slicely Butter over the mixture! Spare me from those calories + ko-LES-troy!! *hides* "Thinner slices, Lauren! micron thickness!"
Baked in oven till golden crust and drool all over the place while waiting! Free Smells!!!
when everything is out from the oven! wheres the ice cream?
DIG Dig dig! Frisca wants a gigantic scoop that she cant get her ice cream off the scoop! :p!
Lippy's second helping! Chunky Cinnamon Apple Crumble Topped with a Generous Serving of Creamy Vanilla Scoop. Delicious!
...there's scrabble
vowels & more vowels! and everyone sieze their chances to gain points! Particularly NO ONE pass his/her turn!
when everyone plays UNO!
...its pretty obvious that adelyne didnt win the game!
Lauren having fun!
Thank you Lauren for your time and Awesome Dessert! I am soo looking forward to our Spring Breakkk! We shall tour the entire (shop-til-u-drop) New York and the massive waterfalls in Niagara Falls! Holiday Beckons! =)