Aug 13, 2006 12:16
Yes - that's what last night feels like. Like a blur. The first half I can remember fine. I only had three Pulses to start off with - basically they're Red Bull, but 7% alcohol. The size, the shape, the taste- the everything is just like Red Bull. I only had three of those, and I was fine.
Then we went and picked up Adam, who had our Jägermeister and the Red Bulls. Also, with him was Kyoy, Brayden, Brendo and Richard Spencer [who I haven't seen in ages]. Then we opened up the bottle of Jägermeister and started tearing through it. We gave a lot of it away. I must've had about a third of the bottle - maybe slightly more. I might've had nine shots or something.
I even did a Jager Bomb with the Pulse instead of Red Bull. Was incredibly awesome - like a double hit.
I converted Adam into another Mr. Jäger Bomb. I have also converted him with Brock Vodka, as well.
Then once that was done, I talked to the Winthrop boys that I remembered from a party I went to. I then sent a message to Leah: "Ben josh and zack are here and are wanting to rape you." Damn I'm funny. Even moreso when I'm drunk.
This is true.
Then alluva sudden a buncha guys rocked up, punched the bouncer at the front gate, and waltzed in, pushing everyone out of their way, yelling random abuse at people. Jimi's head was smashed against the wall [he's fine though, don't worry] and Jason Stevenson was pushed in the pool. I felt pretty sorry for him. He wasn't looking for any trouble. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
They started yelling things like: "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" and things like that. I stepped forward and kindly - not threateningly - asked "Who are you guys looking for?" Then a random guy [not the guy I was talking to] jumped forward and pushed me backwards. I hit the ground, but I put my hands down to break my fall - bad idea; I got a bunch of cuts from all the broken glass on the floor.
I got straight up, and was ready to 'turn the other cheek' and ask them again, to see if they'd learn. But Trent grabbed me and pulled me inside. He told me it wasn't worth it - he must've known I was gonna ask again [or maybe he thought I was going to start a fight?]. I told him that something needed to be done about these guys, and I went outside.
The main guy was still yelling incomprehensible, unintelligible English about something or other. The whole group of us - all 70 of us - were dead silent. We didn't want to say anything or move or be targeted.
I was about to ask again which guy they were looking for, and I'll help them find the guy they were looking for. But the main guy lost his patience and up-ended the table, which evidently landed on my foot. Bottles smashed all around my feet, but I just stood my ground until these guys stormed off in anger.
Apparently these guys were fighting with Matt Smith's crew last week and wanted revenge. These guys aren't the type of guys you want to fuck with - they apparently had a tazer last week and were zapping random people, just because.
After these guys left, I started picking up all the bottles I could, throwing them in the bin. There was a lot of smashed bottles to be picked up.
I checked if everyone was okay - Pip got some glass in her eye. Some of the girls were crying. Jason Stevenson was really angry - rightly so; those guys also stole his phone. Glenn was also thrown in the pool. Matt Smith was apparently punched several times, and his friends all slunk off and let him handle it himself - great work guys; you're willing to help him out when the odds are for you, but not against. True friends.
After that, everyone was kicked out. People scattered pretty fast when they were afraid of these guys returning. Personally, I wasn't afraid of these guys [that's no false bravado, either; I was too drunk to feel fear]. And I knew they wouldn't return - there was no point.
I ended up walking Bridget home - actually I piggy-backed her because she had glass in her foot [because of those fucking guys]. Then William walked me back to the party.
From there, Sam and I were going to start walking home, but then Dinesh asked if we could walk him home. So off we went, walking, and eventually it poured down. But we got to McDonald's.
Then we walked back to Izzy's, soaking wet. It wasn't pleasant.
There's much more that happened that night, but I've made a long enough post as is. Regardless - it was an excellent night except for that brief low point.