Aug 22, 2005 09:00
So Sara's journal, whose was inspired by Ribbie's journal, has inspired me to do the Boyfriend list as well. So here we go.
Our Dad's knew eachother well, and we
had been around eachother since we
were about two. Apparently he told
everyone I was "his girl" and then
after school started he got a new
Matt H. (2nd grade)
We liked eachother and I remember we
were both from the south which was a
plus for him because he had bad teeth.
But it ended abruptly one day on the
tennis courts on the playground when
he called me baby. I was repulsed.
Josh T. (3rd grade)
Dude who knew you'd come back to bite
me right in the ass in 8th grade, my
frosh year, and my soph year. You were cute,
from Kentucky, had that cute little circa
1980's rat tail goin on, and you had the voice.
After you moved I was heart broken.
Curtis (3rd grade)
Holy jesus you were a little player. Girlfriends
of the week, rings you gave to 5 different girls.
You little wanna be pimp. You were cute as a kid
Brad (4th grade)
I don't even know how the hell this happened.
It was a Jasmine Carri thing I suppose. She
dated Brandon Napier and I dated Brad. After
a few indoor gym recesses, you decided you
wanted to trade girlfriends with Brandon and
he said no, so you ignored me. Cool. Didn't
really care. But I work with your Mom now!
Scot (5th grade - 6th grade)
God my infatuation grew. Again a boy from
Kentucky, darker complected yadda yadda ya.
I liked you ALL year but never told you till
the day before school ended. You told me you'd
think about it over the summer because you
would be meeting other girls. I was heart broke
till I called you a few days later and we "went
out" then. We were off and on all through these
years. And I remember having two and three hour
phone conversations with you. You were my first
"I love you".
Insert Name Here (7th grade>
I don't remember his name, but I met him at Carri's
church. We hated eachother at the very begining,
and I even went so far as to rip your shirt when you
mouthed off to me. I remember the last day of that camp
thing or whatever the hell it was, you told me you liked
me and pulled out my chair for me. I gave you my address
and you wrote me a letter apologizing for treating me
like a princess after I gave you a tongue lashing for
pulling my chair out. I never wrote you back.
Ryan (8th grade and frosh)
I enjoyed our relationship at first. Untill you pulled
the let's not tell anyone bullshit. I'd say I was going to
basketball games then I'd go to your house to hang out and
make out instead. I would consider you my frist kiss, but
after you became the asshole that you were and played with
how I felt with you, I just kinda forgot you. All in all
you were cute and it was fun till your anal cavity took over
your cranium. Asshole.
Curtis T (8th grade)
We dated cause your sister and I were good friends.
We 'went out' for three or four days then you broke
up with me because I wasn't in high school yet. I'm
glad cause I don't even think we talked on the phone.
BUt whatever, that's cool.
Scot again (Frosh - Soph)
It rekindled after hanging out so much and talking about
Elementary School. We had a few classes together and it
was a good relationship over all. You and Ryan fought
over me, and I remember I picked you over him. You were my
first real and true kiss. Not a sloppy make out session.
Just a cute kiss. I thought we'd be together for a long time
untill you asked me how many black thongs I owned and if you
were to ask me to marry you what would I have said. YOu were
4 years too early. I got freaked out and ended it with you.
Sometimes I wonder if I was stupid for this or not.
Matt Hausbach (soph)
We dated for a few days, and I was your first serious
girlfriend. I remembered I didn't want to have to teach
you everything but that's basically what it boiled down
to. I thought you talked to much but you were cute in
your own way. We remained friends after. I know you're
up there with angel's now, and that's cool. Make sure
you ask God as many questions as you asked me :)!
John (soph)
I remember Courtney hooked us up when you were high.
Whatever. I think you dated me to prove you weren't
gay. I was desperate. You were a horrible kiss and
at that time a better friend. Sadly I regret this one.
And I'm sure you feel mutual. We had a lot of laughs
though when we broke up. It was just better that way.
Mike Jones (soph-junior)
Dude you were totally Shea's fault. But not really.
Damn Anyways, I was going
though my Jack Osbourne is hot phase and you
looked like him a whole fucking bunch. We dated,
you set me up with a no show. You were dying one
day, slitting your wrists the next. Up down forwards
and back with you. Had Morgan not talked me out of this
one I would have wasted alot of precious time. I
hope all you're fucked up shit worked out Marty.
Andy (soph- junior)
I was learning how to drive, I was talking to you alot
and you were the older guy everygirl fantasizes about.
Older, smarter, cute, experienced, smooth talker. We had
a couple bad break ups but managed to find our way back to
eachother. I called you when I could, and we talked all the
time. I'm sure your friends thought you were crazy. I know mine
thought I was. But we left with no hard feelings and are still
friends. I loved you and won't ever forget you.
David fucking Palmer (junior)
First, rot in hell. And I mean that in the nicest way
possible. I should have know better than to even go here with you.
I rememeber phone conversations when I was in Kentucky
and how I thought you were a player. We were friends for
a year and "lovers" for a year and in all it was the worst
two years of my life. You were my first full fledged all the
way relationship. I remember our first kiss, your visits, and
how you were the guy I "lost" my virginity to. Although
you weren't really because I had to fake it to get you off
of me. I honestly loved you untill you broke my heart by
cheating on me 3 times that I know of, which I'm sure
it's probably triple that in actuality. There isn't
much more to say other than I loved you, now I hate you
and I hope you get what's coming to you. The best thing
I ever got out of you was your best friend which brings me
to my current boyfriend.
Angel Garcia (Senior year to current)
I remember how you were always there when I called you
crying about David. Always listening, always comforting,
always just there. We were there for eachother when we
both were having a rocky relationship and we got eachother
through a lot of rough spots. I remember our first kiss,
the hella hot outfit you were wearing when you did it, and
the words "goddamn" after eyes closed and lips met. You were
my rebel guy because you were the one daddy hated hardcore.
IN the short time we've been together, we've been through a
lot but I've loved every minute of it. From not seeing you
for the first month of our relationship, to David interfering,
to you not having a job and having to nearly go back, to the now.
I love waking up next to you every morning in our bed in our house
in your arms. I love how I can see our future in your eyes.
I love how I feel when I'm with you, I love everything about you.
Even the way you close purse your lips together when you're mad
at me. I love forever buckethead.