Ok, So I had the WORST Saturday night of my life. I have a awful throat/ear ache and a runny nose. This sucks so bad. Gezus Christ.
So yea, Saturday I met up with Jonathan at the el. We went to his house and chilled for a while and we were finna go to some party. I suggested that we smoke the resta the pot from Yorkville. Man o man. BAD IDEA That shit was so fucking bad. Me and Jonathan went CRAZY and had like panic attacks. We were fliping the fuck out. Never, EVER, have I had such an awful smoking experience. Dang. Everyone was whispering and yelling and I couldn't feel my feets and it felt like someone was sawing my elbows off. It was so fucking weird. So we went all the way and turned around and went home. Yea. Bad fucking shit. I will never smoke pot from Yorkville again. I think it was laced with crack. Haha. We slept til like 5 pm today. So nice. I have such a cold now tho. I just fucking wanna be not sick for a while. I've been sick like constantly. I talked to the girl Jon stayed with in Cali. She told me things and I got all mad at Jon. Like I don't know. I'm so fucking sick of caring so much about someone and having them not care at all. Its already hard for me to trust guys but like this just made it worse. They can be such piece of crap assholes sometimes. Hopefully, this shit won't happen again cuz it sucks. I hate being lied to/cheated on. Whatev tho, its ok. It doesn't count at all, really and I way over-reacted. I guess.
I feel sometimes that I am going to get way too fucking involved in this and its gonna end up so shitty. This always happens to me. Like and its not my fault. I know for sure I don't do anything. They just like to make me feel crappy, I guess. I just don't want to be all sad all over. Man...I don't know. I think I'm crazy.
Anyways. I wish I looked like Blondie. Well yea when I am 20 I hope I look like her. Or something. I don't know. OMG OMG. I'm going crazy. Johnny is talking to me again!! :)
PLEASE!! Someone, cast a spell on me so I won't be sick anymore. Oh Geezus I think I might cry. I'll sleep I guess. Oww. :( This sucks so bad.
<3 amy!