Having some kind of weird sleeping fever eye hurting sickness suuuuure does suck.
So I stayed up really late on Valentines Day. Like to 7 am. I went to sleep with a little bit of a headache and when I woke up again it was 5 pm. I couldn't even move. My head felt all heavy and shit. My eyes hurt to open them. I was all hot and cold at the same time. I threw up and it was awful. I slept til like 11:30 pm. I woke up for like an hour and a half b/c I told Johnny I would call him. We talked for a while then he went and I fell asleep again. The next time I woke up it was 8 am. I felt not much better. I took some asprin and just layed and now my eyes dont hurt as much when I move them and my head doesnt feel so heavy. I do still have a fever tho. Maybe I'll make my mom take me to the hospital. Or doctor. Whatev. Jonathan comes back tonight I believe. Yay! :)
<3 Amy
P.S. I hope I feel better sooooooon.