Apr 01, 2004 07:03
Yea, So I was walking out of the bathroom and into my kitchen and I saw something moving and almost stepped on it before screaming. I jumped back and looked down and it was Mrs. Doubtfire walking across the carpet! Poor thing had fuzz and dust all over it. Gilligan must have knocked him under the couch and he stayed under there. I was so happy he was OK. I smiled a whole lot. :)
Today I got high off cigarettes, lol, with my friend Ryan and hung out with Star. Then I came here. Tomorrow, I think I might have to go visit my Aunt and Uncle. I told him I would. Plus, I wanna see my cousins baby. Friday, Jonathan is picking me up. Green Acres Marathon!
I re-did my journal AGAIN after I realized the colors I just had were incredibly ugly. I like these and I think it'll stay for a while.
I lost pounds. :) Like 6. I'm not sure. !!!
♥ amy