Oh god. I don't even know where to start. I am moving? Tomorrow. I guess. This sucks. I came home and my mom was packing my stuff. I was so mad. I have never been so mad at her. She was being such a bitch about it. Like smiling at me and stuff. I like flipped out and oh man. I fucking hate her more than anything right now. If she thinks I'm moving in with my dad shes way wrong.
I have to move because of the "mental abuse" Yea. Whatever. Every fuckin kid has an attitude. Not according to her though. Not her friends kids. Yea right. It fucking because of my shitty step dad. Who btw, moved out AGAIN. I don't even know what to think right now. Like...I know its happening but it just doesn't seem real. Like I keep thinking its all gonna be over in the morning. Its not. I am so mad. Not sad. ALL mad. I want to kick her in her ugly fat face. Ahh! I am not going with my dad tho. Nope. I wish I could leave to Cali(or Etheopia) right now. California seems nicer. Or maybe anywhere but with my dad. I will have absolutley NO life over there. Goooood. I hate her. Anyways. I'm sure you get the point that I'm mad. I am supposed to hang out with Jonathan tomorrow. I hope we can. Fun times. Hes at some party tonight. I dunno. Anywho...uh. I suuure do hate the new Evanesence(sp?) song. Or them in general. I need to go get my money from my dads tomorrow too. $65!!! Whhooo hoooo! I talked to Stef and Chuck today and I coulda gone to Pauls but uhhh...yea. NO. Whateeev. I need beer. Soon. Now. I don't know if I'll be able to use this computer anymore. Or a computer at all. Uh..dass it.
I don't think I like the 311 version of "Love Song" Maybe I do. Idk.
Uh...3 days til TEN?
<3 amy