
Oct 27, 2006 13:41

Yes, yes. I upgraded my LJ account. It was for the extra 9 pictures I get. Even though I fucking hate having an advertisment on my page. It will be seen very rarely I hope and I will eventually get over it.

I highly doubt I will ever pay for an account here though I totally love me some LJ and next to consumating the setup they have is friendly. Unlike some other community sites that will remain nameless here.

Onto more important things...
I did not friends only my last entry. This is a big deal, I swear. I have been keeping things here private for the longest time. Le' almost two years. All because of Jimmy and his petty, imature e-stalking. Seeing as it has been almost two years, I would like to think he's over things and can leave me alone. Not that I leave much of a choice, seeing as there are no more anonymous comments allowed evers again. I doubt there will be any problems, but if there are he should know there was many-a-friend-and-family that wants to make sure no one ever hurts me like that again. Nor am I afraid to call everyone I can to aid me in the hypothetical battle.

So this weekend is Halloween. What are you's gonna be?
What am I's gonna be? I still need two parts for my costume. A black wig and probably striped stalkings. Yeah. I will take pictures this year too. Even though my costume from last year kicked the most ass there ever was to kick for a Halloween costume.

Later homepieces...
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