Nov 13, 2011 01:34
Waiting for my retarded laptop to finish downloading AVA rn omg that stupid fps game that my cousin got me addicted on. Sorry gaiz, noob fps game for noob girls (btw I really need to get my hands on L4D). The download is so slow it's not even funny. I h8 this stupid damned laptop. And I desperately wanna change it but I'm still deciding between getting a Canon 600d or an Olympus Pen or a freaking MacBook Pro for my birthday hehehe. Oh damn can I just have all three??!?!? I'm so tired rn and my eyes are gonna close but no sleep tonight until my game finishes downloading. Stupid fucking Acer laptop. Anyway yesterday (Sat) was sin day again cause I freaking binged again :C I feel like having prata now oh meh I h8 myself. Also anyway I'm missing so many people rn, it's breaking my heart. Sigh what are emotions rn, my heart really never give chance :C I'm so bored and tired I shall go and find some people to annoy now bye.