Nov 04, 2013 18:50
My views on religion are varied. I was sent to church with the neighbors as a small child. It was a Pentacostal church. Lots of rolling around in the pews and such. I have fond memories of those days. As I grew up I didn't really go to church regularly but my mom did take us for a while to the Church of Christ. I loved the singing and was baptised in that church. Then as a teenager,I didn't go at all. As an adult it has taken me many years to find the right way for me as far as religion goes.I have attended nearly every denomination of church out there and didn't really find anything that was right for me. I spent several years being a Pentacostal/Apostolic member. No pants, no make up, not allowed to cut my was crazy. Just an outward show of religion. At this point I do not go to church at all. I am not opposed to it, but I do not really believe in organized religion. I believe in a higher power, and I do pray and ask God for what I need. I feel religion has become a business and a money making scheme. I have my worship in my own way and I also worship of sorts when I am with my friends. I doubt I will ever join a church again, unless it is a very progressive one that truly accepts people for who they are and does not judge them for their life choices. I believe we must each find our own salvation in the way that works for us.True "religion" is in your heart not in a building.