Jan 07, 2009 11:20
I'm not the one ton man far from it, but I've always wondered why and how that can happen to someone. How can someone go from living a fairly healthy life to just goddamn massive proportion. Is it laziness? Is it a gene disorder?
As I sit here with my constant backaches from 2 different car accidents I've been in, which were nothing more than getting slammed from the back, I wonder if that could lead to it. I don't even want to do anything. I feel like crap.
Eating the crap that this country spews out on a daily basis also definitely doesn't help. The late night trips to fastfood places is just mindboggling. I can't stop thinking about how each and everyday you have to decide what to eat and there's absolutely nothing yo can do about it. I came up with the term OBEAST, not to offend anyone, but only to motivate myself to chew my food fully, to stop eating when I am full and to get of my ass up and walk, run, even blink at least. What the hell is going on in this country where even the food one thinks is healthy is still anything but healthy. The chemicals, the pesticides. What the fuck is going on. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to reach a point where you can't even wipe your own ass. It's unbelievable. If it were a disease that I simply couldn't control, well fine, what could I do, but since I am fully capable of moving, and can see, smell, taste, and do something about it, fuck. As the years go by I feel worse and worse and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. What the fuck? The worse part about it is tomorrow I'll probably feel fucking great. I'll want to do a jig and everything. Life is weird ese bro.
blaming yourself for your fatness,
shitty diets,
feeling like crap,