Well, I got a PSP recently pretty cheap off of eBay. I'm really, really glad I did after seeing this:
Female protag? In P3?
I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie. As atrocious as I think fem!Orpheus looks, the female MC looks pretty all right. All I can think of when I see her hair is Kirsten (Kristen? I can't believe I forgot this) from American Girls or whatever her name was haha, but that's not a bad thing I guess.
I really, really hope you can date the girls as the female MC. I highly doubt that will happen but it would be so fabulous if it did. I'll be happy just to have the option to date Akihiko, though, I guess. And Junpei. It would be really great if this game allowed the male MC to date Tanaka too haha. There was always something a little off about his S. Link, I don't think it would be too much of a stretch.
In other news, I got Star Ocean First Departure. I keep trying to convince myself that Star Ocean is a crappy series and that I don't like it, but I guess my subconscience won out this time. I'm only two hours into it so I'm still not sure what I think of it but it's all right so far. Except for the voice acting. I really don't think I'm that picky about voice acting but this... ergh... it's bad.