when i hear this song,, i feel it all over again ..

Nov 08, 2004 21:23

i have to pee .
but i am much too lazy to remove my lazy ass from the groove in my seat .
so i think ill just stay right here =]

i havent really been in the updating mood much latley,, tonight i just feel like writing .. or rambling whichever you prefer ..

tonight, is a monday .
mom is at school . marinas asleep . dads in bed . and im here all alone .
usually i enjoy this time to myself ,, but tonight is different .
yes, tonight, i hate mondays .

theres a plant in the room,, and it just so happened to fall over, untouched, and undisturbed .. that stuff gives me the creepers,, especially since me & malissa were talking about ghosts in pschology today .. blaaaaah i dont wanna go to sleep =\

nikki makes me laugh =) wheres de big-neegar ?! hahahahahahaha gawd thats comedy baby !!

in econ i laughed myself silly,, ahhh it was great // apparently im one of the few who think mr. sweeney discussing his wifes breast feeding abilities is hi-damn-larious

hmm .. im listening to foo fighters .. this song reminds me of something i just dont know what .. rawawrr i cant put my finger on it .. dontcha hate when that happens ? 0h yes ,, this song reminds me of shannen

hmm . moms home . time to get kicked off the computer so she can do her homework .
hey homework .. thats something i should do !! or i could just put it off for another 20 minutes .. suckasssss =P

& thats the way the cory,, topanagas

yours truly ,,
[[ chibbitychibbitychawnay ]]

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