To know for an hour ,, you were mine completley ..

Sep 29, 2004 21:42

y0ha br0ha ;;

i really like updating @ night it releases some good ol fashion feelings !! if yerno what i mean lima (( adriana =D )) bean -- anywhoo --

i cant really remember what i did yesturday i guess it wasnt too important then eh ? 0oh well after skool me en Aj went to jack in the crack & to the bank -- it was fun =) which reminds me ,, i need to pay him bacc for mai chicken -- Mmmm ^_^  yummy scrumb0es //

today was b0h-ring -- played some jeopardy in weeneys eh hem * sweeneys excuse me ;D class ,, i scored a whole 15 points !! whaaaat is it ?!! haha // finished that movie in psychology -- haha i made nikki (( knee kay )) cry twice in one day !! i started talking about graduating @ lunch @ she hella teared up ,, haha shes so precious <<3 hmm what else .. english was alright -- fuck yeea for minimum days baby !!

after skool i went to our other house and me & mai dad tore down the shed;; mai dad thinks it used to be a drug lab cos the previous owners were big ass druggies fresh out of prison -- en we found a bunch of drug shyt there (( needles & such ))  its really interesting -- it was really sad though too ,, cos like also in the shed i found a bunch of toys too -- i guess thats also where their kids played -- sad eh ? i got this really old poetry book from 1960 that i love to death from the garage ,, & i found this aluminum can from 1984 that says " Jacksons World Tour `84 " on it with all their signatures on it !! omg how fucken awesome is that -- that can waited 20 years for me to come en save it ;; only down side is it has bb-gun holes in it -- l0l

well i think ive rambled on enough for tonight !!

poem of the night *

for just one kiss that your lips have given
   in the lost and beautiful past to me
i would glady barter my hopes of heaven
   and all the bliss of eternity

ahh i l0ve it !! <<3 <<3

& thats the way two ,, lips

>> T 0 h n n y <<


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