dancing makes me happy . why cant i dance ? haha

Sep 27, 2004 22:19

rawarr .

i am irritated .

its about 10:30 & instead of doing something productive im sitting around doing jack diddily shyt // but ask me if i give a flying foot ? nope nope .

so last night was the american idol concert -- it was fun -- me ,, mai mom ,, & mai 2nd cousin went out to dinner & stuff @ bella mia this really great italian place in san jose (( san ho baby !! )) i got really pissed off @ dinner though wen i asked mai mom about the startingline // yellowcard show ,, that justin suprised me with (( <<3 )) & the whole fact that yes its a skool night and bla bla bla -- she said she doesnt think mai dad will let me go & if we hadnt of been in a nice resturaunt i would have raised hell i tell yoo !! we`ll see what happens .. i HAVE to go . end of motherfucken story .

GAWD econ was so boring today ,, we got new seats -- well actually i stayed in the same seat but now chris sits behind me which is k00l -- we watched this movie clip where this girls nostrils moved funny when she talked ,, i learned nothing from the video cos i was too busy staring @ those nostrils man !! alas mai a.d.d. kicks in again !!

is psychology we watched a really good movie with robin williams (( who kicks ass by the way !! )) called " awakenings " i hella like it ,, it almost made me cry though -- got damn me for being a sap =D

hmm well yeh thats about all ive got to say for now -- im gunna try to go to sleep early since someone (( eh hem )) fell asleep already //

[[ Lyric of the night ]]

Tuesdays here and ill be waking up
to another day filled with lifes mistakes,
& the ones that lingered from the day before.
all the blanks ive drawn,
all the times that ive been unprepared.
all the songs ive sang that i just cant explain. did you know that i once said
that i cant change the road that I was led,
& i cant find better friends.
is it worth the pain ?
as i attempt to set my record straight,
ill open up the drapes & ill appreciate the most beautiful day.

that song has so much meaning to me ,, neh i wish it didnt

goodnight all . hope yours is better than mine .

& thats the way the wind blows ;; holy cow that was corny

~ Won Tawn ~

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