Sep 25, 2005 13:37

Today. I had to get up at like... 8:30. And then at 9 my mother picked me up and we got Danielle Katie and Alyssa. And we were off.
Danielle is super ghetto by the way. *rolls eyes*. Craziness.
So... We get there, and Miss Teen Windsor is there. And GUESS WHAT? she can sing. :O. So she sings for awhile and then we walk.
At first we are all together. We left my mother behind a few times, I mean come on, it's unavoidable. But then we got to the end... and ate APPLES:O. I know. We are cool.
We start walking back, and Danielle and my mother end up walking... WAY... ahead of us. Hm. Okay. So I walked with Katie and Alyssa. Oh how I love their stories.
We get back to where we started, and we sit there. And eat some pizza. Then the crazy band takes half an hour to do a sound check. AH. SO LOUD>>> and REPEATITIVE! haha. But all in all, they were pretty good. The lead singer had an accent<3 Sexy. haha.
We got feed up with the loudness and waiting. So we left. Drove Alyssa home, and then Katie, and now I am home, at my mothers. And I am dying of boredem. I wish interesting people would call me or something. Those crazy people.
Oh.. and RJ and Josh may be coming to see Coheed with moi, Danielle, and Alyssa. :D.

Coheed in >>> 6 days

Anyways... I am off, to go take a nap.

In the shadow of your eyes, love & fear collide.<3
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