(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 18:50

Wow I've been bloging alot latley... weird.

Poeple are making me mad.. they just dont seem to care about other people anymore. Dont be someone you arent, and dont try and become someone and take someones indiviguality. Its just sad, and your not just effecting your own life. Indiviguality= what makes someone who they are. You are who you are, life is what you make of it, and who you are in life is for you to make the best of.

There are no perfect people, only people who make the best of imperfect situations.

There are no bad people, just bad decisions.

And if your gonna try and do something that involves someone else, think about it before you actually do it. If its gonna flip someons world upside down or put them on a rollercoaster, make sure your gonna be there when they step off the ride.. dont leave them going up and down over and over. If its one of those things where your gonna go on the ride with them, dont jump out and leave them stuck in there by themself. Its just not what you should do to people, especially people you care about.

People these days are so unevolved, they just wanna grow up too fast.They dont understand that its called growing up because the "growing" parts refer to growing as a person.. the things that we put together with that, well.. they shouldnt come first. When your 17 or 18... granted your not 10 anymore, but you DONT know what you wanna do with the rest of your life.. there is so much still out there to look forward to. Having all the fun too soon wrecks the thrill in life later.

-On that note: People at that age shouldnt be getting engaged, you barley know what life is on your own; dont pledge the rest of it to spend with someone else!! I know its not my place to pass judgement on others, and I'm not aiming that at anyone, but I've been hearing alot about that latley and I'm sorry but I dont think thats just how I feel- its a FACT. You WILL regret it later.

Life is something amazing, the beauty of it is you never know whats going to come next. Its so complex we'll never figure it all out, all we can do is learn as we go. BUT, the key word there is LEARN. Things happen for a reason, its not just a bunch of random events happening all the time. What fun would that be? Do you really think if life was ACTUALLY random there would be as much structure as there really is (and if your thinking in your head "there is no structre," you either just cant admit it to your self becaues of your own issues, or your just shallow and are thinking only from your side of the fence.) If you've ever watched a little kid playing, then you can see its even in our nature to learn about the world around us and why things happen. If we never learn from anything that happens, then we might as well all stay in preschool.

Dont blame god for all the hurt and suffering in the world, ask your self, "Was he the one who held up the family store and shot the dad behind the register?" No, thats OUR fault. I know thats a really harsh example, but I think its necessary to get my point across. And ya know what, the majority of times shit like that happens it wasnt because the people were fuckin crazy- its because people were too caught up in their own lives to see what they were doing to them. Columbine? Fucking Iraq, for goodness sake! NEWSFLASH: The kids with the gun, they didnt pick on them selves since grade school. SADDAM: Yeah, the suffering overthere is caused by God.. not the dictator with the gas chambers. Those of you the same age as me: its not gonna be long before our generation turns into the leaders of the world. Dont let history repeat its self- learn from it.

We're not puppets on a string, we make our own decisions- god only asks us to make the right ones. He did his part, he gave us life and its the least we can do to hold up our end. We make life what it is, for us and those around us.

I'm by no means trying to bitch, and especially DUMP on people. I LOVE life. Sure I have a problem or 2, but thats life. I have the BEST friends anyone could ask for, and a hell of alot going for me, and I know my future is only gonna get better and better.

There are no lines in life predrawn saying what we can and cant do, we draw those lines in our hearts and minds. We can break them. There is no rule book, YOU KNOW whats wrong and whats right. Quit trying to show off and make your self look good when there are people who are sleeping in cardboard boxes. Try putting at least an ouce of your energy into something that actually makes a difference. Because one bagel for the guy standing out the grocery store could save his life.

Bottom Line: Life is what we make it, and everything everyone does effects everyone around them. Think about it.
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