Soon after
we realized it was a bittersweet night of theater celebration, Oliver did not want to perform in the play anymore. At least, that is what he said that night. He left soon after the announcement and did not stay for the judge's remarks (she gave accolades and critiques to every school after the fact). She LOVED our performance and gave us all kinds of praise, but I think we were all a bit hurt that she never addressed why she so blatantly forgot to acknowledge Oliver's performance.
I was not able to sleep until I called Oliver that night. He told me he felt bad for the way he acted, but he had never felt so devastated. "I put my heart into that play, and I saw it crash to the floor tonight and shatter." Again, sounds dramatic, yet I felt the exact same way.
Eventually he recovered, and we went back into rehearsals to get ready for the Regional competition. It finally came around, and we ended up being first up because the school that was supposed to go before us had their trip cancelled by their principal due to "behavioral problems." I was nervous and slightly pissed about having to go up first because you always get lower marks, but what could one do?
It was to be my last time on the stage in my high school career, and I wanted to ROCK. THE. CASBAH.
Our co-director told us on the way to Regionals to direct all anger from the previous competition into every moment during the one coming up. If we did that, it would be the greatest performance ever.
Well, we went on, there was one hiccup with a prop, and right before the final scene, I walked up behind Oliver, put my hands around his waist while we were backstage and whispered, "This is it. It comes down to me and you and the words between us. Let's give 'em hell."
You guys, that final scene, where we gave these very emotional monologues, just popped and sizzled and rocked. After the last line and the final light went down, there was dead silence that was broken by THUNDEROUS applause. I mean, thunderous. It made me jump! Out of pure adrenaline, I leaned over and kissed Oliver on the cheek and laughed. The lights came up, and everyone in the theater, strangers from all over the state, were on their feet. A standing ovation..
We were floored. It was the best kind of validation after a weary competition.
After that night, Oliver and I were closer than ever, if that were even possible.
He had my heart, and I had his.
Two peas in a theater pod. Fellow thespians for life. :)
Remember to love.