Apr 18, 2004 00:37
Name: ta to the ylor
Age: 16
City & province: the N dot.
Five books:
1: catcher in the rye
2: to kill a mockingbird
3: go ask alice
4: the thorn birds
5: anything shakespears
Five movies:
1: ahx
2: requiem for a dream
3: detroit rock city
4: jay and silent bob
5: swingers
Five bands:
1: brand new
2: rancid
3: sublime
4: ac/dc
5: fcc...represent.
What is your biggest fear:
the dark.
Name the three things you cherish most:
lizze. my teddy bear. and...um...food.
What is one thing you can't go a day without doing?:
eating..oh and breathing.
What is your numero uno pet peeve?:
people who kick my chair in the theatres.
three things that make you happy:
1: liz
2: food
3: music
Three things that make you sad:
1: sexy homeless punks
2: being alone
3: leaving fun times.
Three things that you just cannot deal with:
1: being a messenger between fighting couples. *cough cough*
2: my rents
3: people who dont know the lyrics to songs and sing them wrong.
What is the most embarrassing thing that have ever happened to you?:
im blonde...things happen on a daily basis. i guess when jorian called me and i got up and the strap of my bag was around my foot and i tripped and crashed into the lockers. thus causing a loud sound.
kill bill 2 ... amazing.ness
Name your five favorite possessions:
1: my teddy bear
2: cds
3: my kurt wall
4: my computer
5: pix
What do you do in your free time?:
sit and veg at the computer...go to the gym
What are your plans after highschool?:
omg...hopefully university..i think...
Name three things that make you rad:
1. my rad-ness
2. my way that i am able of adding "ness" to anyword
3. my ability to pull off most clothing