Nov 27, 2005 23:31
quote from a May 31st, 2004 entry:
"I think I'm wildly attracted to guys that won't work out"
So we had a conversation tonight and I was bringing up how I wasn't sure I could transition to friend after dating. Apparently, this isn't the first time I've had trouble with this. Which is nice to see that I'm consistently inept.
BGrmm22: i understand everything you said, but i have been trying to be your friend, you havent been letting me
BGrmm22: and maybe we have different ideas of what friends are
BGrmm22: but ive been trying
lipsmotchr: ok
lipsmotchr: maybe you're right
lipsmotchr: i just couldnt make the transition that quickly and believe that i was still your friend when things felt so weird
BGrmm22: its hard but would you rather be nothing
lipsmotchr: no i really wouldnt rather be nothing
lipsmotchr: i mean unless you would
My favorite is the "unless you would," the uncertain uh I don't know, what're you thinking? Am I going to put myself out there and receive dead silence on the other end? Because that's always a fun situation.
Poor Bobby too. That was at the very end of senior year when I was drunk, belligerent or crying all of the time. It was definitely not one of my finer periods. Glad it took a Travis (thanks babe) and a Scott to start that ball rolling again.
And poor Ross. I average a space of 2 "boyfriends" before I actually talk to an ex-boyfriend, especially one that really hurt me. So maybe next time, it'll just be one and he'll actually see value in being with me. What a novel idea.
Miss optimism turned cynic. Don't you like this look on me? Get used to it.