Mar 01, 2006 13:05
I'm back!
i <3 San Francisco.
choir tour...not so much.
perhaps i'll post some pictures.
we'll see.
to give a little information about my trip...
i stayed in hick towns the first 2 nights. pretty gay.
my host homes there were pretty sketchy.
alissa and i felt like we were being held hostage by one of the families, my friend ally and i felt weird around the other one.
soo much fun.
hotel room...crazy.
nicole, alissa, gracie, me and kassandra all in one room.
we first got to the hotel, and we were supposed to just put our luggage in our room and then come down to a debreifing session.
within that small amount of time that we were putting our luggage away, we already had an authority figure come and knock on our door and tell us we were too loud.
nicole broke the head board of our bed off the wall.
we all squished into the bathtub to take a picture.
nicole and i went out of our room to get ice, but we weren't supposed to leave our rooms, so we were trying to be stealth, and everytime we'd get a little farther we'd hear someone coming so we had to sprint back. we slithered on the ground.
stayed up talking with the people in the room next door. pretty funny stuff.
took many pictures.
i fell off the bed.
alissa me and nicole were all in one bed..
spilled ice all over our bed, and i of course ended up sleeping on the wet spot.
many more fun things from that night.
i had a fracture in my foot, and the doctor wrote me a note saying i was to do as little standing and walking as possible...did gilmy care, nope.
i got sick part way
im still sick.
i got gracie sick.
nasal spray is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
i won the non-talent show with stephen...first place!
i lost and found my chapstick twice on the bus.
that's all for now.
when i resize my photos, theres a chance i will post them.