Jan 18, 2004 12:59
I cant only handle Al Sharpton for so long. But the man says some pretty smart things.
"We only go after people we think have nuclear weapons, that dont really have them."
The People of Iraq live better today with Sadaam gone- Darrell Issa
Last time I checked there city was destroyed, they were still starving, and they were being blown up by american troops. hmm...better huh?
Darrell Issa's arguements on Live With Bill Maur never cease to amuse me.
Oh, and we believe that Bush has an addiction to Weapons of Mass Distraction
Everything was changing for him.
Not that I agree of anything he's done, but his views have changed through out his whole presidential "career"
first, what was it? War on Iraq because of terrorists and 9-11 [bullshit]
second, War on Iraq because they have 'weapons of mass destruction'
third, Lets go after Sadaam because he's a bad man
fourth, Lets go to Mars.
Where does that come in for his plan to 'solve the problems'
This show is the best show in the world. Sucks that there are two rep.'s against one democrate. :(
Ps. Those anti-dean commercials really make me mad. Thats proof on the ignorance and arrogance of Republicans. Eat that for breakfast you Bush loving bastards.